The Best Foods for Breastfeeding
With so much conflicting information, it can be confusing to find the best foods for your breastfeeding journey. If I asked a room full of breastfeeding mothers which foods trigger tummy troubles for their babies, I’d be left with an overwhelming list of foods to avoid. And for every list of foods claiming to increase breast milk, is another list contradicting everything on the one before it.
A Holistic Discussion About Postnatal Depression and Postnatal Depletion
Postnatal depression has again been in the spotlight as Covid19 restrictions left new parents and birthing people without their usual support systems.
The Fourth Trimester | Who’s holding the mother?
There is perhaps nothing quite as life-changing as becoming a mum.
From the excitement of nesting and preparing a nursery to the oxytocin rush of that newborn baby smell, the maiden to mother journey is a beautiful one.
It’s a time of growth, evolution, changing perceptions, and often a spiritual and consciousness awakening.
Does Breastfeeding affect your fertility?
Are you planning a new addition to your family and currently breastfeeding?
Then you might have some questions.
As a naturopath, I support people with conscious conception, including parents with growing families, so breastfeeding during pregnancy has become a common topic in my clinic.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding in our society about fertility and breastfeeding.
To help, I have collated some of the latest data on breastfeeding during conception and pregnancy to answer all those commonly asked questions.