Custom Compatibility Program and Report
Compatibility Report
The Compatibility Report assists you to identify 500 different bathroom, laundry & kitchen products, as well as common local foods found at Woolworths, Coles, supermarkets, and health food stores.
Rather than dr. googling, trying a new diet, another MLM product or just giving up because avoiding gluten and dairy wasn’t the magical fix you hoped it was, you can stop going in circles and get to the root cause of your issues with compatibility report. It helps you sort your health from the ground up because something you are eating is causing an issue internally. It honestly starts with what you eat and the toxins around you. You can see whats tested by clicking here.
How does it work?
This test works on a cellular level, looking at what is positively or negatively impacting the cells within your body. These cellular responses are part of the electrical systems within the body and when they are compromised, the cells cannot function optimally. This can lead to an immune response, inflammation and other reactive symptoms.
This test is suitable for infants, children, and adults experiencing:
Eczema, psoriasis, acne, rashes, itchy, dry and inflamed skin.
Bloating, reflux, colic, irritable bowel (IBS), diarrhoea, leaky gut, constipation, flatulence, bad breath and thrush
Arthritis, joint pain, hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, Hashimoto's, Grave's, infections, restless legs and muscle pain
Recurring sickness, disease, and autoimmune diseases, depression, anxiety & post natal anxiety / post natal Depression
Behavioural issues such as ADHD / ADD, poor concentration, foggy memory, and low energy levels
Food cravings, PMS, chronic fatigue, tiredness, and poor sleep / insomnia, infertility, PCOS, Endometriosis and inflammatory issues
Headaches, migraines, hives, ear infections, coughing, excessive spitting or mucous
Okay, what next?
Once you add the test to the cart the form will pop up. You’ll need to complete the form, pay and then post in your sample. A sample can be taken at the end of the hair instead of the roots, (coloured hair is okay), and posted to the laboratory for processing. You can also use salvia instead of hair if preferred, with results being just as accurate.
If you think you will struggle with cooking or working out what to eat, I can create a personalised meal plan. to arrange this, select ‘yes’ to meal plan on the compatibility report product page.
How long do I wait for my report?
It can take few weeks depending on the demand to get your report back but once processed, you will be emailed your report and receive a call to discuss the results and how to implement the changes.
What else do I need to know?
It’s not a requirement to have a initial consultation to receive your report however, to be able to assist your body holistically its always better to have a full consultation. That way I can prescribe some products to help you on your journey. the cells within your body. This test is not the same as a Hair Mineral analysis test, and is the result of 30 years of extensive research and development.
This test is suitable for infants, children, and adults, with the option of using head hair, body hair, or saliva. A small hair sample can be taken at the end of the hair instead of the roots, (coloured hair is okay), and posted to the laboratory for processing. You can also use salvia instead of hair if preferred, with results being just as accurate. It can take few weeks depending on the demand to get your report back but once processed, you will be emailed your report and receive a call to discuss the results and how to implement the changes.
It is best to have a full naturopathic consultation to be able to assist your body holistically. However, it is not a requirement to be able to make the purchase and post the sample for testing.