How much water do you really need to drink?
How much water have you drunk today?
I’ll wait here while you go and grab a glass….
We all know drinking water is vital for good health, but very few of us drink enough.
The average adult is composed of around 55-60% water, while children are made up of around 65-70%1. Yet up to 12 cups of water is lost each day through normal bodily functions alone.
Depending on your age and body weight, the composite amount of water in your body2, and the amount of water you should drink, will vary.
The Fourth Trimester | Who’s holding the mother?
There is perhaps nothing quite as life-changing as becoming a mum.
From the excitement of nesting and preparing a nursery to the oxytocin rush of that newborn baby smell, the maiden to mother journey is a beautiful one.
It’s a time of growth, evolution, changing perceptions, and often a spiritual and consciousness awakening.
10 Realistic Tips for New Mums
Let’s get right to it because time is a) important and b) in high demand. Realistically being a mum is different for everyone. I got given lots of advice (some unsolicited) and what I took from it and made my own is the following:
1. Remember to breathe. Take one day at a time. Feel what you are feeling and process it, get it out by writing, or talking about it; and breathe Mumma!
Caring for Children with Ear and Throat Infections
Nine of us like see our children sick, but unfortunately illnesses such as ear and throat infections are common in young children. To make things much worse, recurrent ear or throat infections often result in insertion of grommets, or removal of the tonsils and/or adenoids. We do not want our children to need surgery, so the question is,can we prevent the need for these procedures?