
Fertility, Kids, skin Shonelle Siegmann Fertility, Kids, skin Shonelle Siegmann

How do I know if I have a food allergy or intolerance?

How do I know if I have a food allergy? 

Australia has been labelled the food allergy capital of the world.

Recent statistics have revealed up to 10 per cent of Australian infants have a proven egg allergy and up to four million Australians have some form of food allergy or intolerance.

The jury is out on why food allergies are increasing, but theories range from delayed introduction of allergenic foods and Vitamin D deficiency to the overexposure of certain medications and diets high in processed foods. 

The robustness of the immune system and gut health may also have an influential role on the development of food allergies. 

But how do you know if you have a food allergy? And what’s the difference between a true allergy and an intolerance? And what foods could you be allergic to?

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